Developing business from diverse
perspectives for regional revitalization
Business activities

01 Regional revitalization business
We have contracts with around 250 local governments in Japan
Since entering the Hometown Tax (Furusato Nozei) Donation Program as a support business for local
governments and businesses in 2014, we have steadily increased the number of contracts to around
250 local governments, which is around 15% of the local governments in Japan.
By working together with local governments and businesses, we have come to recognize the various
challenges that citizens face and believe extensive collaboration is necessary to bring out the
strengths of all parties when renovating and revitalizing communities.
Based on this recognition and our Imagination & Creation philosophy, we are striving every day
to resolve various local issues and create new value. At the same time, we are developing
various services and products inspired by collaboration with local communities and regional
What is the Hometown Tax (Furusato Nozei) Donation Program?
The Hometown Tax (Furusato Nozei) Donation Program lets taxpayers support a municipality in Japan
other than the one they reside in by making a donation to that municipality. They can choose
whatever municipality they like, such as their hometown, where their relatives live, or an area
they enjoyed traveling in.
Those who make a donation through the program receive a "reciprocal gift" from the municipality
they donate to.
A variety of items can usually be chosen from, including quality meats and seafood, alcoholic
beverages, fashion goods, daily items and tickets for activities.
Donations collected through the program become financial resources for selected municipalities.
The money is used for future childcare support, education, revitalization of the tourism
industry and enhancement of medical care and welfare.

02 D2C business
OWL directly connects producers
and consumers
Our OWL online market directly connects producers of agricultural and seafood goods with
consumers for online purchase and direct delivery.
By creating a system that lets producers freely determine the volume and price of products they
want to sell, we hope to realize our vision of "self-reliant regional revitalization" that helps
local producers and industries deliver high-quality products to consumers.
Since farmers and fishermen ship and deliver freshly gathered ingredients themselves to
customers, they can communicate their thoughts and commitment directly from the field
nationwide. We will eventually expand their reach through OWL beyond Japan to markets overseas.

Domestic Sites:
This page is in Japanese.

03 Inbound business
Conveying Japan’s many attractions
to the world
We plan, strategize and implement measures using videos created from the perspectives of both
Japanese and foreigners to support the tourism strategies of local governments and DMOs.
For example, a video we planned and supervised promoting Fukushima City received the
Encouragement Award from the Local Government Category of Cool Japan Movie Contest 2021. Another
promotion video we created, encouraging foreigners to visit the 48 falls of Akame, Mie
Prefecture, has been played over 300,000 times.
Using the know-how we gained by supporting over 100 local governments and companies, as well as
a community of around 17 million Japan-loving foreigners linked to foreign influencers in Japan,
we provide support that leads to results.

Corporate profile
Company name | Redhorse Corporation |
Head office address and telephone number |
Kokugikan Front Building, 2nd Floor, 1-10-5 Yokoami, Sumida-ku, Tokyo, 130-0015, Japan TEL: +81-570-003155 |
Establishment | March 1, 1964 |
Capital | 100 million yen |
Number of employees | 313* *Includes full-time employees, temporary employees and contract employees (as of April 2024) |
Representative | Kensuke Yamada,President Executive Officer |
c 2024 Redhorse Corporation. All rights reserved.